Public Resources
Public Resources
After Action Report (AAR)
This report focuses on the public health, healthcare, and human services response to the entirety of the incident, in alignment with ESF-8, with a particular emphasis on the recovery efforts and public health's role as it relates to mass care and human service efforts within Emergency Support Function 6 (ESF-6).
It addresses the associated response operations of the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC) as the public health authority for the City of Boston, BPHC's Office of Public Health Preparedness (OPHP) as the lead for ESF-8 coordination, and the combined efforts of multiple organizations.
Click here to view the full after action report.
In the aftermath of the April 15, 2013 Boston bombings, the full range of activities required to support community recovery was not always conveyed in published media accounts given the complexities of the situation. The Office of Public Health Preparedness produced an infographic to tell the story of the response and recovery from a public health perspective. The 2013 Boston Bombings Response & Recovery infographic includes notifications and EMS patient transports during the initial response, as well as public health and support services provided through the first few months of the recovery.
Click here to view the full infographic.