High Consequence & Emerging Infectious Disease (HCID/EID) Preparedness 


This Knowledge Base topic is intended for practitioners in the following disciplines who have responsibilities for planning their organization’s response to HCID/EID outbreaks. These disciplines include: 
  • Community Health Centers 
  • Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
  • Hospitals
  • Long Term Care
  • Public Health

With access to the resources in this Knowledge Base, users should be able to: 

  • Define basic terminology and fundamental concepts related to HCID/EID planning and response. 
  • Identify best practices and relevant guidance for HCID/EID planning for public health and healthcare agencies 
  • Select resources for HCID/EID planning purposes

Knowledge Base Topic Areas: 

Background and Basics

Background and Basics

Planning Resources

Planning Resources

This section contains comprehensive planning guides for developing, revising, and/or evaluating existing response plans.

Functional Components of EID/HID Plans

Functional Components of HCID/EID Plans

This section includes resources which support the development of specific components of highly infectious and emerging disease plans and protocols.

Exercise & Training

Exercise & Training Resources

This section contains templates and guidance for developing exercises, as well as online trainings and webinars to share with staff.

Disease-Specific Resources

Disease-Specific Resources

This section contains planning responses specific to a variety of emerging and/or highly infectious diseases of concern.



Discipline Specific Resources: 

Ebola Preparedness Communication Plan Click to View Full Screen Video
by Bernadette Thomas, APRN, DNP, MPH, Lynn Community Health Center

How Large Ambulatory Care Practices Can Contribute to EID Response Click to View Full Screen Video 
by Linda Foote, PhD, Atrius Health

Public Information Challenges for Community Health Centers Click to View Full Screen Video 
by Carrie Matusko, RN, Holyoke Health Center

  • Hospital All-Hazards (HAH) Self-Assessment
    This self-assessment is designed to help assess and identify potential gaps in a facility's all-hazards emergency plans. It is suited to evaluating an already trained hospital staff. Upon completing the HAH, it can be use it to modify aspects of these plan(s). Individuals are encouraged to update the HAH as changes to plan(s) are made, and to include the HAH with preparedness planning documents. The HAH is geared towards hospital preparedness staff, including planners, administrators, and other key personnel. Facility may share this information with community partners (such as local public health, emergency management, and other healthcare entities) to integrate all plans into a coordinated community plan. 

  • Ebola Virus Disease Incident Response Guide 
    Bellevue Hospital 
    This response guide provides a protocol to screen, isolate, and treat patients who present to the facility with suspected or confirmed Ebola Virus Disease while minimizing the risk of transmission to health care workers and others.

  • HICS Guidebook, Fifth Edition (2014)
    California Emergency Medical Services Authority
    Focuses on healthcare facility preparedness and provides hospitals of all sizes and missions with the tools needed to advance their emergency preparedness and response capability.

  • Precautions for Hospitalized SARS Patients
    The objective of this document is to reinforce basic infection control practices in healthcare facilities and among healthcare personnel regarding Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

  • Hospital Preparedness Checklist For Pandemic Influenza: Focus on pandemic (H1N1) 2009 
    To enhance the readiness of the health facilities to cope with the challenges of an epidemic, a pandemic or any other emergency or disaster, hospital managers need to ensure the initiation of relevant generic priority action. This document aims to provide a checklist of the key action to carry out in the context of a continuous hospital emergency preparedness process.

  • Preparing U.S. Hospitals for Ebola
    CDC has developed a strategy to help healthcare facilities and state health officials prepare for patients with possible or confirmed Ebola. This strategy identifies which hospitals will provide different levels of care for patients being assessed and treated for Ebola. 

Emerging Infectious Disease Response: Hospital Perspective Click to View Full Screen Video
by Sheila Wallace, BSN, BA, MA, CHPA, CHC, Steward Health Care

Hospital Role in Integrated Planning and Response Click to View Full Screen Video
by Lucy Britton, BS, RN, Berkshire Medical Center

  • EMS Infectious Disease Playbook
    The aim of this Playbook was not to develop novel guidance for emergency medical services (EMS) agencies, but to unify multiple sources of information in a single planning document addressing the full spectrum of infectious agents to create a concise reference resource for EMS agencies developing their service policies.

  • EMS Response to High-Risk Patients
    DelValle Institute for Emergency Preparedness
    This course was developed in 2015 in partnership with MDPH. The instructor and participant materials are now available for organizations to use for their own training purposes. This course delivers the latest recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control for EMS personnel responding to high risk (Category A) infectious agents. The purpose of this course is to lessen the chances of an unprotected exposure to EMS personnel. Topics covered include: the recognition of infectious patients, proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and extrication and transport techniques.

  • Interfacility Transport of Confirmed Patients or PUI
    State EMS officials and regional and state EMS planners can use this information to develop regional transport networks, local transport plans, and standard operating procedures. Managers and medical directors can use this guidance to develop procedures and protocols for their services to conduct inter-facility transport (including intrastate or interstate) of PUIs and patients with confirmed Ebola; may also use the information to prepare, educate, and train EMS personnel. Individual providers may use this information to stay safe when responding to and transporting PUIs or patients confirmed to have Ebola.

  • ISOPOD Basics
    National Ebola Training and Education Center (NETEC)
    Discusses use of an isopod during patient transfer; an isopod is a negative-pressure individual patient isolation and transportation system that keeps contamination and disease inside the unit, protecting first responders while simultaneously allowing for life-saving medical procedures 
    o   ISOPOD Basics: Patient Care - ISOPOD Basics and Patient Care
    o   ISOPOD Basics: Immediate Response Technology (IRT) Model – Assembling and using ISOPODs manufactured by IRT 
    o   ISOPOD Basics: TVI Model - Assembling and using ISOPODs manufactured by TVI   

  • Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance (ERHMS)
    This framework provides recommendations for protecting emergency responders during small and large emergencies in any setting. It is for use by all who are involved in the deployment and protection of emergency responders, including: incident command staff, response organization leadership, health, safety and medical personnel, and emergency responders.

Big Bad Bugs: Handling Infectious Disease Patients in the Pre-Hospital Environment Click to View Full Screen Video
by Deputy Superintendent Susan Schiller, NRP, Boston EMS

EMS Response to Managing High Risk Infectious Patients Click to View Full Screen Video
by David Faunce, EMT-P, Southeastern MA EMS Council

The EMS Challenge Transporting the High Risk Infectious Patients Click to View Full Screen Video
by Brian Andrews, EMT-P, County Ambulance

H1N1 Response in the Nursing Home Click to View Full Screen Video
by Sakhonh Kheuamun, Hebrew SeniorLife

  • Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities
    The 2018 Public Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Capabilities: National Standards for State, Local, Tribal, and Territorial Public Health recognizes the maturity and experience jurisdictional public health emergency preparedness and response programs have gained since 2011. As with the 2011 version, technical content is informed by applicable guidance, science, practice, and input from subject matter experts.

  • Infectious Disease Emergency Response Plan 
    San Francisco Department of Public Health
    This Infectious Disease Emergency Response (IDER) Plan is a functional response guide for the Incident Commander and other responders. The IDER Plan includes a Core Plan, four scenario-based Annexes, and Appendices. The Core Plan is modular and provides overall guidance for infectious disease emergencies. Depending on the situation parts of the plan can be activated and deactivated as necessary. The Annexes include specific recommendations for the following situations: Respiratory Aerosol Transmissible Diseases, Bioterrorism Events, Biological Agent Detection in the Environment, and Waterborne Outbreaks or Threats.

  • Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Clearinghouse
    The PHEP Clearinghouse is a central repository for emergency preparedness-related statutes, regulations, orders, reports, and legal tools. The Clearinghouse is intended to aid jurisdictions considering updates and clarifications to their public health emergency legal preparedness activities. 

  • Medical Countermeasures and Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions 
    National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)
    The timely provision of medical countermeasures (MCM) following a large-scale public health emergency such as pandemic influenza, anthrax attacks, chemical releases, and radiological events can ensure that the health and safety of those impacted are protected.

  • National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Toolbox
    NACCHO has published a wide variety of resources that can be replicated by local emergency planners interested in setting up points of dispensing (POD), exercising their medical countermeasure plans, staffing PODs, and the like. With a free account, users can click on the URL, click on “Toolkits,” select “Medical Countermeasure (MCM) Toolkit,” and review the various tools."

  • Field Epidemiology Manual
    The CDC Field Epidemiology Manual is a definitive guide to investigating acute public health events on the ground and in real time. Assembled and written by experts from the CDC as well as other leading public health agencies, it offers current and field-tested guidance for every stage of an outbreak investigation—from identification to intervention and other core considerations along the way. 

  • Infectious Disease Surveillance, Reporting, and Control
    Local health departments, clinical providers, and laboratories will find information here regarding the reporting and control of infectious disease in Massachusetts.
    o   Infectious Disease Reporting
    A discussion of laws and regulations governing  local boards of health, healthcare providers, laboratories and other public health personnel, in reporting infectious disease
    o   Infectious Disease Case Reporting Forms
    Access case report forms for selected infectious diseases; provides contact information if the relevant form is not found, or for more information about how to report an infectious disease.
    o   Infectious Disease Surveillance Data
    Collected by the Bureau of Infectious Disease and Laboratory Sciences (BIDLS) are maintained in the Massachusetts Virtual Epidemiologic Network (MAVEN); disease specific reports can be obtained on this site.

Partners in communication: Unifying our message during the Ebola outbreak Click to View Full Screen Video
by Stacey Kokaram, MPH, Boston Public Health Commission

A Multi-Disciplined Approach for Planning Emerging Infectious Diseases Click to View Full Screen Video
by Sean O’Brien, Deputy Director, Barnstable County Department of Health and Environment

A Local Public Health Perspective to Managing Public Information Click to View Full Screen Video
by Colleen Bolen, MPH, Worcester Division of Public Health

Have a great idea? Know of something we’re missing? Send us an email at delvalle@bphc.org to submit your ideas.

The DelValle Institute for Emergency Preparedness is the Education & Training branch of the Office of Public Health Preparedness. In conjunction with Boston EMS, a bureau of the Boston Public Health Commission, the DelValle Institute provides high-quality all-hazards training and exercises to develop and enhance capabilities-based preparedness. This training delivery is offered through a contract with the Office of Preparedness and Emergency Management at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), with funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Public Health Emergency Preparedness Cooperative Agreement and/or the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.  For more information regarding DelValle Institute funding, please visit our funding page.