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2014 Conference Agenda [edit]

Voices of Experience: Recovering after Disaster [edit]

May 22, 2014
8:30 AMRegistration
9:00 AMWelcome
Peter Brown (emcee), Chief of Staff Office of the CEO, Partners HealthCare
9:15 AMOpening Remarks
Mary E. Clark, JD, MPH Director, Emergency Preparedness Bureau Massachusetts Department of Public Health
9:30 AM – 10:30 AM"Hurricanes Irene and Sandy: VA Medical Center in Manhattan"
Martina A. Parauda, Director, VA New York Harbor Healthcare System
10:30 AMBreak
10:45 AM -11:45 AM"A Tale of a Twister and a Community's Response"
Marilyn Sumerford, Executive Director, ACCESS Family Health Services, Inc.
11:45 AMLunch
12:45 PM -1:45 PM"The Long Road to Recovery: Rebuilding a Community after Disaster"
Sundée Warren, MSPH, Public Health Emergency Response Coordinator, Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals/Office of Public Health
1:45 PM -2:45 PMInteractive Panel:  Navigating the Recovery
 Cynthia Kennedy, LICSW, Clinical Coordinator, Center for Violence Prevention & Recovery, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Marilyn Sumerford
Martina A. Parauda
Sundée Warren
2:45 PM – 3:00 PMClosing Remarks
Peter Brown