This website underwent a major system upgrade in October 2018, along with updates to the appearance and content of the site. We also made significant changes to our registration system. The site will continue to undergo updates throughout the fall and winter, and we ask for your patience as we continue to make changes and optimizations. If you notice a bug in the site or have a question about the upgrade that is not answered in the FAQs, please feel free to contact us at
We have switched registration systems for instructor-led trainings, so the process will require fewer steps when registering for courses. Confirmation and reminder emails will also look different. The DelValle Institute will continue to provide a high level of customer service to ensure that registration for classroom courses runs smoothly.
As a part of our system upgrade, we have changed some profile questions to better capture information about who is utilizing our site. We ask that you update your profile before you are able to access any other part of the site. To edit your profile:

  1. Login. If you are not automatically redirected to edit your profile, you may click here.
  2. Review your information and update if necessary. Red asterisks (*) indicate a response is required.
  3. Click the “Update Profile” button at the bottom of the screen to save your changes

The Course History displayed on the Dashboard will list most of the instructor-led and self-paced trainings you have taken with us, with a few exceptions:

  • As a result of the October 2018 system upgrade, attendance records for trainings taken before July 2015 will not be displayed. At your request, we can provide you with a copy of attendance records for accreditation or other purposes.
  • If you registered for a course that was held before October 2018 but needed to cancel your registration, it will show up in your dashboard, under “Enrolled Courses” rather than “Completed Courses.”
  • If you register for an instructor-led course held after October 2018 but need to cancel or do not show up for the course, in most cases you will receive a notification from us and the course will be removed from your Dashboard entirely.

If you think that there is an error in the attendance history displayed on your Learning Center Dashboard, please send an email to with a description of what information is missing or inaccurate.

We have deleted accounts of users who have never logged in and have not taken one our classes since mid 2015. In addition, in winter 2018 we will be suspending accounts of users who have not logged in since October 2016. We are doing this to maintain an active list of users on the site. If you wish to reactivate a suspended account please email with the name and the email address linked to the suspended account.
Some students have used different email addresses to register for various courses, conferences, exercises, or other events over the past several years. To ensure that you to have access to all of your attendance history, we consolidated your training records under one email account. If you would like to change the email address associated with your account, please send an email to with a request to make this change. Please include your name, the old email address, and the new email address you would like us to use.
If you have received multiple emails from us, this means you have multiple accounts in our system. To ensure that you have access to your complete attendance history, please send an email to a request to merge the accounts, listing the priority account that you would like to use and the email address(es) you would like merged into the priority account.
The DelValle Institute is a program of the Boston Public Health Commission (BPHC), therefore some individuals who have taken a course through BPHC or one of our partners, such as Recovery Services, may have received this email.  If you have never attended an event with the DelValle Institute, please disregard; there is no need to take any action.

Have other questions about this site? Check our FAQs page for more information!

Last modified: Friday, October 12, 2018, 4:10 PM