This online course provides an overview of how to implement a Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) process in a healthcare organization. The course is based on Joint Commission standards, federal guidance, and best practices using the Kaiser Permanente Hazards and Vulnerability Assessment Tool as a model. By completing this course, emergency management healthcare professionals will learn to develop and implement an HVA process.

A Hazard Vulnerability Analysis (HVA) is a process for identifying natural and man-made hazards, the impact, and vulnerability associated with each hazard. It allows organizations to answer questions such as:
- Do you know which types of emergencies are most likely to occur within your organization or within the surrounding community?
- What would be the impact on patient safety or the services you may be able to deliver?
- Which personnel, equipment, facility, and/or services are susceptible to these types of disruptions?
Ultimately, this process helps healthcare organizations identify and prepare for impacts to patient care, staff safety, facilities, and financial stability.
Once completed, the HVA serves as a needs assessment for the overall Emergency Operations Plan and assists to prioritize planning, mitigation, response and recovery activities. An HVA process should involve community and healthcare partners and be communicated to community emergency response agencies.