Welcome to the DelValle Institute for Emergency Preparedness Knowledge Base [edit]

This knowledge base serves as a repository for emergency preparedness resources focused on Emergency Support Function 8 (ESF-8, Public Health and Medical Services) and related public safety topics. The content in this knowledge base is based on local and national best practices. Documents developed by the DelValle Institute are distinguished by a download icon Download Icon .

Shelter Operations FNSS
Shelter Operations FNSS

Legal foundations, pre-planning elements, sample forms, best practices and lessons learned, and tools for providing FNSS in general population shelters

Hospital-Based Decontamination
Hospital-Based Decontamination

Steps to prepare, assess, build and maintain a program including who to involve, training, equipment choice, and special circumstances in decontamination processes

Hospital-Based Decontamination
Planning for Diverse Needs
Planning for the Diverse Needs of Communities

Resources focused on the Whole Community Emergency Planning Framework

Planning for the Diverse Needs of Communities
Topics In Development
Topics In Development

Future topics include: Using Social Media for Preparedness and Response and Resource Guide in All- Hazards Response. Check back soon!

Topics in Development

Have a great idea? Know of something we’re missing? Send us an email at delvalle@bostonems.org to submit your ideas.